Nachfolgend die 15 Out-By-Rules gem. IBAF mit Videobeispielen
s. auch IBAF Out-By-Rules
- Batter called out for an illegally batted ball [OBR 9.09(b)(2)]
- Batter called out for bunting foul for his third strike [OBR 5.09(a)(4), 9.09(b)(3)]
- Batter called out for being touched by his own batted ball
- Batter called out for interfering with the catcher [OBR 9.09(b)(5)]
- Batter called out for failing to bat in his proper turn
- Batter called out for refusing to touch first base after receiving a base on balls, after being hit by a pitch or after a catcher’s interference. [OBR 9.09(b)(7) and 9.14(c)] - Runner called out for refusing to advance from third base [in the event that he was forced] to home plate [OBR 9.09(b)(8)]
- Batter called out on an Infield Fly that is not caught
- Runner called out for being touched by a fair ball (including an Infield Fly [if not in contact with a base]) [OBR 9.09(c)(2)]
- Runner called out for running out of line to avoid being tagged
- Runner called out for passing another runner
- Runner called out for running the bases in reverse order
- Runner called out for having interfered with a fielder
Ein weiteres Beispiel für OBR13, hier wird ein Infield Fly gecalled. Weil der Ball aber Foul rollt, wird der Runner auf 1st Base out gegeben wegen Interference, und der Batter setzt sein AB fort:
- Batter-runner called out because of interference by a preceding runner
Es besteht übrigens keine Regel die besagt, dass der Runner sliden muss um dem Wurf des Fielders auszuweichen, wie auch in diesem Play schön zu sehen ist.
- Softball: Early steal